About Father Nathan

“I believe we are eternal. I believe the Creator who made us loves us —wildly. Beyond belief. My mission is to help people live in the present, feel loved, and dwell in joyful hope. As a Catholic priest I specialize in helping those who feel “stuck”— whether in this Earthly life or in the afterlife —experience freedom.”

Upcoming Events

"The Joyful Friar" Podcast

Fr. Nathan's podcast "The Joyful Friar" explores the soulful, the meaningful, and the mystical in three different ways. For more information and to listen to the trailer please visit the podcast page.

E Pluribus Unum translates to "out of many, one" in Latin and serves as a traditional motto of the United States.

We invite you to join us online for a special retreat aimed at cultivating unity and kindness amidst differing politics and viewpoints.

Saturday, September 28th, 10:00 am - 11:30 am MST. The suggested donation is $25.


"Afterlife, Interrupted Book Three: Please Let Me Explain" Virtual Book Launch Recording

"Afterlife, Interrupted Book Three: Please Let Me Explain" is now Available!

This link will take you directly to purchase it here.

This is the third book in the Afterlife, Interrupted series. For 27 years, Nathan G. Castle, OP, has helped 500 “stuck" — and not-so-stuck souls who died suddenly and traumatically adjust to the afterlife. Victims of fires, automobile accidents, shootings, stabbings, drownings - and suicides - come to him in his dreams seeking help to resolve their Interrupted Death Experiences.™ Father Nathan believes that providing such help is something the Holy Spirit has given him and his prayer partners to do. In his Afterlife Interrupted books, Father Nathan is quick to point out that not everyone who dies suddenly gets stuck. He also addresses questions like: Is death survivable? What does he do to help people cross over? Does time exist in the afterlife? Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving through our deaths?
In this third book, subtitled, "Please Let Me Explain," Father Nathan has compiled the stories of those whose afterlife experiences might help explain questions people have about what happens after we survive our deaths.

Check out the book trailer below:

Jimmy Akins' Mysterious World Episode #270

What should we make of talking to the dead from the perspective of the Catholic Faith? Click the video to hear Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explain.

Jimmy Akin is an internationally known author and speaker. He is the senior apologist at Catholic Answers and has over thirty years of experience defending and explaining the Faith. Jimmy has extensive background in the Bible, theology, the Church Fathers, philosophy, canon law, liturgy, and parapsychology. He is a regular guest on “Catholic Answers Live” and hosts the Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World podcast. His personal website is JimmyAkin.com.

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World Episode #269A More With Fr. Nathan Castle

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World Episode #269 Helping Stuck Souls! (Purgatory, Fr. Nathan Castle, OP)

Walkthrough of the Mass with Fr. Nathan

Helping Stuck Souls Cross over - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Words from friends

“Father Nathan has written from his deep experience of prayer, faithfulness to the Church, and dedication to his ministry as a priest. He has the profound desire to bring reconciliation and healing to those most in need.”

— Very Rev. Fr. Mark Padrez, OP, Former Prior Provincial, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, Oakland, California


“Pope Francis refers to the Church as a field hospital to express his vision for the care of the wounded among us. He says, ‘The thing the Church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the Church as a field hospital after the battle.’ I know of few priests as dedicated as Father Nathan to serving as a medic at the battlefront. His faith in God Who is Love, and in God’s promise of eternal life, leads Nathan undaunted to bring healing to those whose wounds menace them and their journey home.”

— Very Reverend Christopher Fadok, OP, Prior Provincial, Province of the Holy Name of Jesus
Oakland, California


“Nathan Castle is a Catholic priest. ‘Catholic means universal,’ he says, and he hopes he can help anyone in the universe to be happy and free. The work he describes in Afterlife, Interrupted, helping souls who died traumatically get unstuck, is fascinating. It has touched me at a very deep level. One of the things I take away from this is that we do go on. We don’t stop existing just because we dropped our bodies.”

— Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup For The Soul


“I had the pleasure of interviewing Father Nathan Castle for my YouTube channel and podcast, “Buddha at the Gas Pump”. I was inspired and enriched by both of his books and by my conversation with him. I think that understanding that we do not cease to exist when our bodies die can profoundly enhance our appreciation of this life and ease our transition beyond it. Father Nathan’s work is making an important contribution to this understanding.”

—Rick Archer, Buddha at the Gas Pump

Afterlife, Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over

Over the past 20 years, Nathan G. Castle, OP, says he has helped at least 250 people who died suddenly adjust to the afterlife. These victims of fires, automobile accidents, shootings, stabbings and drownings came to him in his dreams seeking help for resolving their Interrupted Death Experiences™. And although such contact with the Other Side was not something he sought out, Father Nathan has come to believe that providing such help is something the Holy Spirit has given him to do.

In his new book, Afterlife, Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over, Father Nathan shares 13 of those stories—including that of a 20-year-old auto mechanic named Ray who died in 1960 in a car fire. Ray remained in a state of anger and isolation until Father Nathan and a prayer partner were able to help him to come to terms with his fate.

In an interview, Father Nathan can describe the unusual work he does with people who were conscious and healthy one moment and dead the next. “It can be a huge shock to the system and people can shut down,” he says. He is quick to point out that not everyone who dies suddenly gets stuck. Father Nathan can answer such questions as:

  • Is death survivable?
  • Did he ask the dead for permission to share their stories?
  • What does he do to help people cross over?
  • Does time exist in the afterlife?
  • How did he assist Patrick Swayze’s deceased sister?
  • Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving through our deaths