About Father Nathan

I am a lecturer, workshop facilitator, and retreat director who also happens to be a Catholic Priest.  Originally from Groves, Texas, I graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio and entered the Dominican order in 1979. I received MA and MDiv degrees from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California and served in campus ministries in California and Arizona for 27 years. I was Pastor/Director of the Catholic Community at Stanford University, and also at the All Saints Catholic Newman Center at Arizona State University. I've chaired the Executive Board of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA). I am the author of “And Toto, Too: The Wizard of Oz as a Spiritual Adventure” and the forthcoming book, “Eternity Paused: Helping Stuck Souls Hit Play.” I have a heart for healing the suffering of those who have been through trauma of any kind. In my spare time I enjoy golf, spending time with friends and cheering on my favorite sports teams, especially Stanford football and the reigning World Series champion Houston Astros.

What I Do

Through events, speaking engagements, retreats and workshops, I help people find their joy – and follow it.

What I Believe

I believe that God – however you experience God – loves you wildly. Beyond belief – and beyond belief systems. “Catholic” means universal. I’m a Catholic priest called to be of service to everyone in the universe.